An image of the Disability and Age Staff Equality Forum logo.

The Disability and Age forum gives disabled employees a platform to have their say! We discuss lots of different topics at our monthly meeting and also get the chance to influence the direction the Council take on key issues. Our Strategic Executive Sponsor is Charlotte Johns (Director of Strategy).

We celebrate key dates throughout the year, such as International Day of Disabled People and welcome guest speakers to our forum, plus receive updates from Council services. Last year we welcomed Darren Harris Wolverhampton born Paralympian as our inspirational speaker.

We have an action plan, named the 3 December Action plan. It was launched on International Day of Disabled People (on 3 December 2020).

The actions we as a group set in the plan are being delivered by colleagues in Human Resources, Organisational Development and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team, with the support and steer from our forum. This will help to implement changes to make the Council a better employer for disabled people. We want to make the Council an attractive place to work and one that allows equal access to jobs and careers for disabled people.

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