HR Policies

City of Wolverhampton Council is one of the largest employers in Wolverhampton employing over 4,000 employees. Our people are crucially important in delivering the best services for people in Wolverhampton. They represent our council, culture and ethos while at work and out of hours too. Our approach is to treat our people fairly and responsibly, helping them achieve their full potential, while respecting their personal commitments. It is important to us that our policies reflect this and are supportive of employees work life balance and help managers to manage by providing a consistent framework of best practice (in line with ACAS guidelines).
All policies are reviewed regularly and agreed with employees, managers, employee equality forums, trade unions and several other stakeholder groups prior to implementation. An Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) is also undertaken for each policy, which is an evidence-based approach designed to help ensure that our policies, practices, events and decision-making processes are fair and do not present barriers to participation or disadvantage any protected groups. If you wish to view any of our HR policies, see below.
HR Policy Portal
School-based employees are covered by specific school policies and procedures.