
You can find the latest jobs at City of Wolverhampton Council on the WM Jobs website which allows you to search vacancies by location, job type, salary and employer.
Here you can find details of teaching and support staff job vacancies in Wolverhampton schools.
WM Jobs is owned and managed directly by public sector organisations, so potential applicants can be sure that the jobs they are interested in are really what they seem; meaning up-to-date, accurate information that has come directly from potential employers.
During 2022/2023, WM Jobs advertised over 33,000 jobs.
To apply for a job at City of Wolverhampton Council, you will need to create an account with WM Jobs using a valid email address.
You will then be able to complete your application online, save your progress and view, update and tailor your online application form, allowing for an easier application process and user experience. You are also able to set up job alerts to be notified when a job is listed that fits your criteria.
Please check the closing date of the vacancy to ensure you submit your application on time.
Armed Forces

The City of Wolverhampton Council actively supports the Armed Forces community in Wolverhampton and this is reflected in the MOD Employer Recognition Gold Award which we currently hold.
We have put a series of measures in place to support the armed forces community when applying for jobs or retaining and progressing their employment within the Council.
Our one stop employment hub, Workbox, hosts vacancies from military and civilian organisations associated with the Armed Forces Covenant. Our award-winning Wolves at Work Team who support people into employment, has a designated armed forces point of contact. The Council provides work experience to veterans, and we have a guaranteed interview scheme in place for veterans. We promote the use of apprenticeships where appropriate to enable veterans to learn a new trade or career.
We allow up to 24 days additional paid leave for reservists and adult cadet volunteers and we have flexible leave arrangements in place for military partners and spouses.