Harminder Manak - Travel Assistant

I started being a Travel Assistant through the Agency, Yoo Recruit in 2018. I quickly realised that it was a job I love and I enjoy working with the children. I don’t think you choose this job I think it chooses you. You have to have an understanding of children in general, but particularly their special needs. Patience, good communication between parents, teachers and the children are all essential aspects of the role. Being a Sikh, we believe in ‘Seva’, which means helping people, and this is my contribution.
Teamwork plays a big part, and I feel me and my current driver are a good team.
Recently I have been made a permanent member of staff, which means I feel I now have job security, and I benefit from paid holidays and from paying into a pension.
Teamwork plays a big part, and I feel me and my current driver are a good team.
Harminder Manak - Travel Assistant